Helping YOU get your full licence in fewer driving lessons Leicester
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FREE Learning To Drive Resources
If you choose to learn with us or NOT, we'd love to be a part of your journey.
Our FREE learner resources have helped thousands on the road. It can help you too.
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Driving School Brochure
Download our driving school brochure and find out why over 500 learner drivers choose Your Driving Academy every single week.

FREE Driving Lesson Videos
A series of driving lesson videos covering a range of topics. You can also view actual driving tests.
With over 500,000 views (and counting), thousands of learner drivers have benefitted from this absolutely FREE.
Produced to cover Leicester Cannock Street and South Wigstson driving test centres

'Driving Test Success' Swipe File
Illustrations of some of the more challenging and tricky junctions and roundabouts.